Wednesday, 25 June 2014

A Type Of Glaucoma

Upon infection viral, such as measles or fever parotid and cold, baptizing doctor to follow any side effects up to the optic nerve is responsible for the transfer of images you see the eyes to the brain in the form of electrical impulses, and when an injury of this kind, to swell the tissues of the nerve, and going on nerve fibers defect in the nature of their work, and should be checked If the patient complained nerve blurred vision in one eye suddenly.
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A type of glaucoma "blue water", affecting children as a form of birth defects. Because of this problem brings the level of pressure in the eye, and can lead to damage to the optic nerve, which could threaten the loss of the ability to vision gradually, and symptoms that can be observed on the child, the abundance of Animal tears from the eyes, and increase the diameter. , and when you are sure of a child congenital, should speed up the treatment to protect the optic nerve, and protect the eyes from getting lazy.
Eyes preterm the high level of health therapy for premature babies (born before the completion of the duration of pregnancy) or underweight, has led to the need for quantities of stimulating oxygen, which may lead to incidence of growth of abnormal blood vessels of the retina.
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Says Dr. Victor Saladin, a specialist (a) Ophthalmology, a member of the Royal College of Surgeons eyes (London), this abnormal growth has balls of bleeding retina or the vitreous body, may also lead to cases late to schizophrenia retina, and this may lead to the loss of vision in one or both eyes. Said:
"That's inevitable follow-up baby according to a specific timetable during which the expansion of pupil eyes and see the retina known to influence early on, and when you get to know any impressive start to the emergence of new blood vessels is the treatment of the retina by laser, as it is in advanced cases and rare may be required surgical intervention in order to correct schizophrenia retina, and we can say that careful follow-up and early treatment is the key to success, though the vast majority of cases, do not need any kind of treatment. "

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