Sunday, 29 June 2014

To Take Advantage: The Most Important Questions And Their Answers, Which Belong To

Inability to identify the muscles in the body • malfunction dental • irritation and confusion • Weak listening or not • lack of desire to eat • low levels of calcium and vitamin B-12 and folic acid • increasing reliance on parents and therefore advised doctors not to child any of wheat products to ensure that suffering with this disease, God forbid that in the event began. click to see more:
even after the sixth month in eating wheat products different that notes the mother developments eating these products and in the case of the emergence of any of the symptoms preceding must summon a doctor immediately may not be allowed for her child to eat these products containing wheat the rest of his life until the child is not exposed to the problems caused by this disease must be full awareness and care.
They can use some vitamins such as (A, C, and beta-carotene, selenium and zinc to strengthen the immune system and prevent exposure to the disease, as well as B vitamins to maintain the nervous system and the production of energy from food in the body.
Conclusion vitamins essential items in the food it needs the body, which is very necessary for the growth and survival intact is able to carry out its functions and to maintain its vitality, and must supply the body these vitamins through food because the cells are not able to build and configure If decreased vitamins in the body resulted in shortages to many diseases. Amounting degree of risk. Thus treat these diseases depends on the provision of vitamins from the new food. contact here
Includes honey Bees on a group representing most of the most important vitamins known movable and interest for all.
Question Nine: There is no doubt that the food provides the nutrients needed to build strong bodies

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