Sunday, 22 June 2014

Human Movement In Addition To The Glands

Treatment: - comes a picture of this disease sometimes moderately as limited injury to one part of the human body if the human fortifying himself vaccination partial and can be cured in this case without any kind of treatment. But this kind of moderate is common, but the pictures sharp it is deployed and that are not subject to treatment and spread rapidly in all muscles of the body and eventually leads to death.
* Treatment is done in the following ways: - Yeast Infection
* The use of antibodies (Anti)
* Use of anti- toxins (Antitoxin) for antidotes could only draw the poison that permeates not mixed or nerve tissue.
* Taking vaccination (tetanus human Immunoglobin)
* Antibiotics by mouth or by injection, and this disease needs long-term treatment in the intensive care room. The drugs used for the primary purpose of which calm the patient and injured muscles are paralyzed, so it must use to a respirator, and the duration of the need for breathing apparatus ranging from 2-3 weeks in some cases have been caused by this disease death as a result of the contraction of the air passages, or pneumonia, or a defect in nervous system and this device is part of the nervous system, which controls the muscles of the heart, and other muscles that are not controlled by human movement in addition to the glands.
If healing the disease leaves traces of the person accompanies a lifetime, such as abnormalities in the nervous system, and the emergence of some of the psychological problems that also need treatment.  about us here
Prevention: - You can very easily avoid this disease by taking vaccinated preventively, because the disease affects people who did not take the vaccinations preventive or booster doses over a period of ten years.
Gives tetanus for children within vaccinated against diphtheria, pertussis (DTP) "DVD. T. me." As adults, they should take a booster dose of tetanus every ten years, and when you travel, too, must take booster doses.

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