Monday, 23 June 2014

People Suffering From Tonsillitis

Well as using honey bees you can cure hoarseness that taking two tablespoons of honey and dissolved in water to a boil over low heat until consists of steam and inhale through the mouth with Gargle with water dissolved the honey and a pinch of salt in three days at the most lost hoarseness. can also treat tonsillitis using onions as placed poultice onions heated around the neck and above the throat with a gurgling juice, onion, honey genitive equally three times a day. Infection
That a lot of people suffering from tonsillitis, and the situation is different from one person to another by the body's immunity and susceptibility to acquire the disease. And natural things and very helpful to raise the efficiency of the immune system of honey bees with Nigella sativa, which made it clear that the outcome of the amazing in it, and the method used is as follows: mixed kg of honey bees with two tablespoons of cumin, and taken from this mixture a teaspoon in the morning and evening. Has also proved that eating garlic and onions leads to strengthen the immune system, as well as flower, where the boil and drink directly. And also daisy flower (glandular) is boiled and drink; to strengthen the immune system, which in turn reduces the very repetition of colds and tonsillitis. can also take advantage of the honey bee with warm milk or lemon juice in the treatment of the roles of the cold and bronchitis, and that taking into account the rest for two or three days. click about us
 To represent what by cupping The installment treat tonsillitis taken straight Indian (when Attar) and then boiled until yellow water and then if he cannot gurgling baby put some points in the nose, a Recumbent until it reaches the tonsils Income peace be upon him on Aisha and then boy dripped blood 0 said

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